viernes, 5 de mayo de 2017

Untitled Nº1

Drawing off my self respect for ever,
in the eternal moment of your supercilious silence.

Help me here, throw me a word, a disrespect gesture,
any of your thousand thoughts
(I can see them in the brightness of your eye, i can feel them in the blur of mine)

If I'm not worthy of your regard, at least, would you please try to cry it out?

I would like only one of your tears,
a kindness tear, a pity tear, a disgust tear.
A tear of any kind.
So i can just stop falling apart,
falling down through the bottomless indifference of your apathetic body.

I'm here, sitting through,
like an old dog awaiting it's owner's death,
Like the lastest breath you take before a big wave,
¿Don't you know I'm the saddest person on earth?
¿Don't you know I'm in the middle of this tragedy road, thinking the worst?
¿Don't you know I'm not capable of doing anything to escape this frightening fate?

Don't keep me in this silent grave, talk to me, touch me, and set me free.

"Silence of the second person 5" Yu Daming

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